2022 Annual Information Technology Summit & Tradeshow
Thu., May 26, 2022 | 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Holiday Inn by the Bay, 88 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04101

Maine Technology User Group's (MTUG) Annual IT Summit is Maine's premier technology infrastructure conference, with 12 workshop topics that speak to the concerns and interests of IT professionals in all organizational sectors and industries, numerous networking opportunities, as well as breakfast, lunch, and door prizes!
Visit VoDaVi at BOOTH #5 play cornhole, collect table prizes and enter to win our raffle drawing to learn about our full array of IT services, from voice, data, security solutions managed services, IT management and support, software licensing, product procurement, and more.
General attendee registration is OPEN!
Attendance includes continental breakfast, lunch, keynote speaker, afternoon dessert, workshops, and tradeshow floor access. Student passes are available at the bottom of the public registration page -- only $25 for tech students and $45 for military!